Diet to lose weight by 10 kg

An increase in body weight of 10 kg does not always indicate obesity. However, it has a significant negative impact on the psychological state of a woman, as it usually "spoils" her figure.

Further changes in eating behavior contribute to continued weight gain and negative health effects. To get a better figure and lose 10 "extra" kg, you can use special dietary recommendations.

Lose weight by 10 kg - optimal period

Targeted weight loss involves some stress on the body associated with a decrease in nutrient intake and changes in metabolism (metabolism).

negative effects of the diet

To reduce the negative impact on the human body, it is important to pay attention to several features related to the optimal period:

  • Many dietary recommendations "promise" rapid weight loss in a short period of time from 7 to 10 days - in fact, such a rapid decrease in body weight is possible only with an almost complete cessation of the supply of nutrients to the human body, which is fraught with serious metabolic disorders and subsequent consequences for good health.
  • A sharp decrease in body weight is possible in obese people with swelling of the soft tissues (subcutaneous tissue) - this occurs due to the loss of fluid from the swollen tissues, which has no benefit for overall health. Yes, you can do several massage sessions and reduce the number of calories, this will immediately give quick results, but at the expense of reducing swelling.
  • The optimal period for losing weight by 10 kg is considered to be a period of timeat least 1 month– over a given period of time, with the correct implementation of dietary recommendations in a context of increased physical activity, the body gradually adapts to new metabolic conditions. This does not have a negative effect on the human body. Most diets for gradual weight loss cause a gradual cleansing of toxic compounds, as well as a decrease in atherosclerotic plaques (cholesterol deposits) in arterial vessels, as a result of which a person's well-being significantly improves.

Adequate weight loss of 10 kg is possible in a period of at least 1 month, which will not only improve your figure, but also your overall well-being.

It is very important to lose weight under the supervision of a doctor and pass all necessary tests before changing your lifestyle.

Menu for a week for 1200 kcal

The daily energy value of food is 1200 kcal (kilocalories) and allows us to achieve a negative energy balance (we spend more calories than we take in), for which light diets are used. This means that the amount of incoming energy is not sufficient for the normal course of all vital processes in the body, which forces the body to use reserve reserves.

weekly meal plan

A negative energy balance leads to a gradual decrease in lipid (fat) reserves in subcutaneous fat and weight loss. The slimming menu for 1 week with a calorie content of 1200 kcal is presented in the table:

Meal time Dish Weight, volume in g or ml (calorie content in kcal).
Breakfast Fresh celery-apple 160 (42)
Boiled asparagus, egg white omelette 160 (46)
Radish and green onion salad with low-fat yogurt 100 (35)
Green tea 200 (17)
Lunch Baked apple 1 piece (65)
Yogurt with added cereals 125 (93)
Dinner Fish soup (lean fish) with added vegetables (potatoes, onions, carrots) 255 (109)
Turkey meatballs cooked in tomato sauce 100 (182)
Salad of cucumbers, tomatoes and aromatic herbs 130 (25)
Dried fruit compote 200 (93)
Afternoon snack Sliced fresh cucumber 110 (12)
Kefir 200 (82)
Dinner Boiled chicken breast 100 (132)
Celery, pineapple and walnut salad with low-fat yogurt 150 (202)
Blueberry tea 200 (17)
Breakfast Low-fat cottage cheese 150 (83)
Carrot, pumpkin salad with walnuts and yogurt 130 (165)
Pomegranate juice 200 (83)
Lunch Kiwi 2 pieces (72)
Jasmine green tea 200 (17)
Dinner Cabbage soup with mushrooms and low-fat sour cream 250 (68)
Stewed cod with onions and carrots 100 (67)
Boiled cauliflower with aromatic herbs 150 (34)
Currant compote 200 (75)
Afternoon snack Orange 1 piece (57)
Low-fat yogurt 125 (84)
Dinner Türkiye Stroganoff 100 (172)
Salad of peppers, cucumbers and aromatic herbs with low-fat yogurt 130 (43)
Bergamot tea 200 (19)
Breakfast Egg white casserole with herbs 100 (63)
Sliced lettuce, cucumber, greens 150 (21)
Cocoa with milk 200 (63)
Lunch Banana 1 piece (123)
Green tea 200 (17)
Dinner Barley soup with champignons 250 (109)
Stewed beef with onions and olives 100 (135)
Stewed courgettes and vegetables 150 (38)
Raisin compote 200 (97)
Afternoon snack Pear 1 piece (64)
Low-fat yogurt 125 (86)
Dinner Boiled beef tongue 75 (173)
Boiled broccoli and vegetables 150 (37)
Green tea with thyme and honey 200 (48)
Breakfast Protein omelette with asparagus 150 (58)
Tomato salad 100 (23)
Wholemeal toast 30 (53)
Coffee with milk 200 (26)
Lunch Pear 1 piece (64)
Biokefir 200 (81)
Dinner Fish goulash soup 250 (104)
Chicken cutlet 100 (132)
Sauerkraut salad with onions and vegetable oil 100 (69)
Lemon juice 200 (53)
Afternoon snack Orange 1 piece (57)
Low-fat yogurt 125 (86)
Dinner Cabbage rolls stuffed with minced meat, carrots and onions 200 (237)
Pepper salad with aromatic herbs 100 (27)
Chamomile tea 200 (17)
Breakfast Lightly salted soaked herring 55 (76)
Boiled potatoes with green onions and dill 150 (148)
Chicory drink with added milk 200 (34)
Lunch Baked apple stuffed with ricotta 1 piece (108)
Milk cocktail with raspberries 200 (73)
Dinner Cabbage soup made with fresh cabbage and herbs 250 (64)
Stewed beef with peppers 100 (118)
Celery, cucumber and green onion salad with low-fat yogurt 130 (36)
Dried apricot compote 200 (68)
Afternoon snack Grapefruit 1 piece (47)
Low-fat yogurt 125 (86)
Dinner Casserole made with fish fillets 200 (101)
Sliced cucumber and lettuce leaves 150 (19)
Jasmine green tea 200 (17)
Breakfast Omelette prepared with ricotta and cheese 100 (155)
Salad with tomato and aromatic herbs 150 (38)
Coffee with milk 200 (23)
Lunch Apple 1 piece (67)
Kefir with raspberries 200 (82)
Dinner Herbed broccoli soup 250 (67)
Boiled chicken breast 100 (115)
Stewed white cabbage with carrots 150 (53)
Currant compote 200 (73)
Afternoon snack Dried pineapple 75 (189)
Green tea 200 (17)
Dinner Cod and egg white casserole 100 (76)
Dill, celery, rocket salad with lemon juice. 150 (45)
Rooibos tea 200 (17)
Breakfast Boiled egg stuffed with green onions and herring 1 piece (107)
Peas and aromatic herbs 100 (55)
Tender 200 (17)
Lunch Banana 1 piece (127)
Green tea with honey 200 (47)
Dinner Soup with canned fish, potatoes and herbs 250 (112)
Boiled chicken breast 100 (114)
Stewed courgettes and vegetables 150 (38)
Apple compote 200 (78)
Afternoon snack Orange 1 piece (57)
Low-fat yogurt 125 (86)
Dinner Braised turkey breast with carrots, peppers and onions 100 (131)
Tomato salad 150 (37)
Green tea with mint and honey 200 (48)

The weekly diet is approximate; allows you to navigate between the main dishes, their quantity and calorie content. When making recommendations for losing 10 kg, it is important to take into account several features:

  • Almost all foods with low energy value are allowed. Preference is given to plant foods, lean meats (rabbit, chicken, turkey, beef) and dairy products (ryazhenka, kefir, yogurt).
  • We recommend steaming or boiling food. Stewing and baking are permitted. It is not recommended to eat fried foods. Which have more calories.
  • Fried fatty meats and easily digestible carbohydrates, which have a high energy value, are excluded.
  • For better absorption of food and to reduce the load on the digestive system, it is recommended to eat more often (at least 5 times a day). Portions should be kept small.
  • The last dinner is allowed no later than 4 hours before the scheduled bedtime.
  • The body should receive a sufficient amount of fluid, which reduces the severity of hunger between meals.

The 7-day menu is used for healthy people with slight weight gain. It is believed that a daily calorie intake of 1200 kcal helps you lose weight without compromising your health. If there are pathological processes in the organs and structures of the gastrointestinal tract, the attending physician can correct the diet. For faster individual weight loss, you can reduce the energy value of the diet to less than 1200 kcal.

consultation with a nutritionist for weight loss

Types of diets

It is possible to reduce the calorie content of food, as well as a rapid restructuring of the metabolism aimed at "burning" fat, using different types of diets. Each diet is characterized by the predominance of certain foods in the diet:

  • Oat diet– the main product is oatmeal, it is characterized by a low energy value and has a beneficial effect on the organs of the digestive system. To sufficiently provide the body with vitamins, the diet is supplemented with fruits and vegetables. Depending on the amount of food consumed, the diet allows you to lose 10 kg in a short period of time (7 to 10 days).
  • Curd diet– ricotta contains complete proteins and mineral salts. It has a beneficial effect on the liver, stomach and intestines. To provide the body with vitamins, the diet is supplemented with fruits, vegetables and other dairy products. The diet allows you to achieve weight loss of up to 800 g per day.
  • Cucumber diet– recommendations are aimed at quickly reducing a person's weight by drastically limiting the energy value of incoming food. At the same time, thanks to the properties of fresh cucumbers, it is possible to maintain the intake of vitamins and minerals in sufficient quantities. Usually, the cucumber diet is intended for a short period of time ("cucumber" fasting day, diet for 3 days, for a week with fruits and dairy products). Significant weight loss can be achieved through the use of a ten day diet.
  • Kefir diet– the main food product is kefir, which contains essential amino acids, some mineral salts, as well as bacteria representing the normal intestinal microflora. It is necessary to add fruits and vegetables to the diet, which are necessary to provide the body with vitamins and minerals. The diet allows you to lose excess weight in a few weeks.
  • Cabbage diet– cabbage is a healthy plant; contains vitamins, mainly of group B, fiber and mineral salts. A strict and effective diet is prescribed, in which only cabbage is consumed for 3 days. In other cases, it is recommended to add small amounts of other foods to the diet to provide the body with the necessary nutrients.
  • Buckwheat diet– the technique allows you to lose weight effectively and quickly; Buckwheat contains a significant amount of vitamins, minerals and vegetable fibers. When using dietary recommendations for a long time for more than 3 days, be sure to add other foods to the diet. This is necessary to prevent negative health effects in the future.
  • Potato diet– despite the high starch content and energy value of potatoes, with its predominant content in the diet, it is possible to significantly reduce weight. The product contains starch, vegetable fibers, vitamins B and C.
  • Protein diet– proteins are the main synthetic material; they are part of all cellular structures and intercellular substance. Dietary recommendations include the consumption of foods that contain predominantly proteins. These include fermented milk products, chicken eggs, fish and lean meats. With the help of a diet you can reduce body weight by 3-5 kg within a week. Long-term use of recommendations requires the inclusion of plant components in the diet, which must necessarily contain vitamins and plant fiber.
  • Rice diet– in most Asian countries, rice is a staple food included in most national dishes. It has the properties of an sorbent, effectively binds and eliminates from the intestine various toxins of exogenous origin (coming from outside) and endogenous (formed in the structures of the digestive system). With long-term use, the diet should include other foods, especially fruits and vegetables. With the help of recommendations, you can reduce your weight by 3-5 kg in a relatively short period of time.
  • Beetroot diet– a way to reduce body weight by 5 kg within a week. Beets are a good sorbent. It also contains vitamins and minerals. Long-term use of the diet requires the inclusion of proteins and vitamins in the diet.
  • Apple diet– fresh fruit does not contain fat, the amount of easily digestible carbohydrates is minimal, so the calorie content is very low. Apples are rich in water-soluble vitamins and plant fibers. Pectins, which are part of fruit, help cleanse the intestines. Using a strict diet can significantly reduce weight within a week. After a few days, in addition to apples, it is necessary to include other food products in small quantities in the diet.
  • No carbohydrate diet– carbohydrates are organic compounds that constitute the main energy substrate. They participate in all types of exchanges. The breakdown of fats with the release of energy can only occur in the presence of carbohydrates ("fats burn in the flame of carbohydrates"). The diet involves the exclusion of sweets and starch-containing foods from the diet. It is allowed to consume a small amount of plant fiber in fruits and vegetables. The main food products are meat, milk, eggs, fish. With the help of a carbohydrate-free diet it is possible to lose weight by 10 kg or more in just 1 month.
  • English diet– the recommendations will be implemented within 21 days and involve alternating the intake of protein foods (lean meat, fish, eggs, milk) and vegetables. Correct nutrition allows you to eliminate 3 to 10 kg.
English diet for weight loss

The main features of popular diets for rapid weight loss are presented in the table below:

Diet Time period, days How much weight can you lose, kg
Oatmeal 7 5-6
Curd 7 2-5
Cucumber 7 5
Kefir 7-9 3-5
Cabbage 3-7 3-4
Buckwheat 7-14 5-6
Potato 3-14 2-7
Protein 7 3-5
Rice 7-12 3-7
Beet 7 4-5
Apple 7 3-7
No carbs 7 2-5
English 21 7-10

There are also lesser-known effective diets for losing weight in a relatively short period of time, including:

  • Vegetarian diet– includes only fruit and vegetables. Its use is not recommended due to the lack of complete proteins containing essential amino acids in the diet. Separately, a fruit-based diet is distinguished with the exclusion of vegetables from the diet.
  • Fish diet– the basis is lean fish and products based on it; body weight loss occurs in the same time frame as a protein diet.
  • Pearl barley diet– includes barley and small quantities of other food products for long-term use.
  • Tomato or tomato diet– contains only tomatoes, can have a negative effect on the structures of the digestive system and the organism as a whole, after 10 days a reduction in body weight of 5 kg is achieved.
  • Dill diet– the basis is the predominant use of dill and cucumbers, which allows you to lose weight by 4 kg in 10 days.
  • Orange diet– the basis of the diet is oranges, which allow, with a sufficient intake of vitamins, to significantly limit the calorie content. There is no reliable data on the timing of weight loss when using the recommendations.
  • Yogurt diet– a good option that allows you to provide the human body with complete proteins. A weight loss of 5 kg occurs within 7-14 days.
  • Pumpkin diet– pumpkin is a vegetable that contains some vitamins, proteins, vegetable fibers and a small amount of carbohydrates. The diet allows you to lose 5 kg of weight in 10 days. It is recommended to add vegetables, fruits and a small amount of meat to the diet.
  • Water diet for quick weight loss– "hard diet", i. e. fasting, when the diet includes only water. It essentially represents fasting, so its use is not recommended. There is a risk of developing irreversible changes and negative health consequences.
  • Keto diet– a variant of dietary recommendations, the essence of which is to exclude carbohydrates from the diet while simultaneously increasing the fat and protein content. Thanks to this it is possible to obtain the "combustion" of endogenous lipids with the formation of ketone bodies. It is believed that the diet is not harmful to health. However, doctors often do not recommend using it, as a significant change in metabolism occurs. With the help of the keto diet it is possible to lose weight by 5-7 kg per week.
keto diet for weight loss

To urgently lose weight, an express diet is used, that is, any option that involves the consumption of only one appropriate food for a short period of time (no more than 7 days).

Abandon the diet

Abandoning a diet involves a process of gradually increasing calorie intake and dietary diversity. This is necessary to prevent weight gain and metabolic changes under conditions of zero or positive energy balance. To do this, you should limit, or better yet exclude, fried, fatty foods and alcohol from the diet, and also increase physical activity (exercise in the morning, walks in the fresh air).

How to save the result

To avoid repeated hiring in the future, it is important to follow some simple recommendations:

  • Limit calorie intake by reducing the amount of easily digestible carbohydrates.
  • Increase physical activity (exercise in the morning, walks outdoors during the day).
  • Frequent meals at least 5 times a day, but in small portions.
  • Dinner 4 hours before your scheduled bedtime.

Permanent adherence to the recommendations will not only allow you to maintain your weight at a constant optimal level, but will also allow you to preserve your health.

Exercises to lose weight by 10 kg

To successfully lose 10 kg at home, it is recommended to perform several physical exercises that will help you quickly "burn" fat reserves in the subcutaneous tissue:

  • Run– doing physical activity for 10-15 minutes a day burns a significant amount of calories, while the volume of adipose tissue decreases uniformly throughout the body. Depending on a person's weight, 10 minutes of running (speed 10 km per hour) "burns" from 100 to 150 kcal.
  • I swim– physical activity involves all muscle groups, which has a positive effect on their tone and accelerates the disappearance of fat reserves.
  • Standing– it is better to walk in the fresh air for half an hour, this has a positive effect and allows you to accelerate the process of losing excess weight. During 1 hour of walking, 200 to 300 kcal are consumed.
  • Abdominal exercises– lying on your back, raise your head and bend your legs. The number of calories burned depends on the type of exercise (interval or circuit).
  • Increased tone of thighs and buttocks– squats not performed completely (squatting on an imaginary stool).

Advice from nutritionists

Rapid weight loss also has a negative effect. Therefore, for harmonious weight loss with health benefits, nutritionists give some useful tips:

  • It is important to choose the optimal diet based on several basic criteria: ensuring gradual weight loss over a sufficiently long period of time (at least 1 month), as well as a sufficient supply of all vitamins, minerals and complete proteins to the human body.
  • Combine the implementation of dietary recommendations with increased physical activity.
  • Frequent meals divided into small portions, which allow you to reduce the functional load on the organs of the digestive system, as well as minimize the intensity of the feeling of hunger.
  • Dinner 4 hours before bedtime, during which the energy received from food is consumed and is not stored in the form of subcutaneous fat.

Before starting any diet, it is recommended to first consult a nutritionist. It will select rational measures of weight loss for people with various concomitant pathologies (cardiovascular, endocrine diseases, metabolic disorders) in each specific case.